“Don’t fear failure, fear being in the same place next year as you are today.”
How many times have you said, "I'll get to that later?"
How many times have you said,
When work is less stressful,
When I have more time,
When I have more money,
I'll start waking up earlier.
I'll start going to the gym.
I'll start eating better.
Every time you say "I just don’t have enough time" or “I just don’t have enough money,” what you THINK you are saying is,
"I'm just not READY now"
What you're really saying is,
Have you noticed that when there’s something that NEEDS to get done urgently,
Even if it’s at the last minute or if it means you have to stay up until 3am?
Because whether you are aware of it or not, you were committed to getting it done.
Everyone is committed to something.
So if something isn't getting done in your life, recognize it's because you had your time and energy committed to something else.
If your health isn't any better than it was at this time last year,
It isn't because you didn't have the time, money or energy,
👉 It's because you committed those things to something else.
It isn't because you weren't ready, but because you weren't WILLING to let go of your excuses and your old habits.
On and off dieters are really good at coming up with all kinds of excuses around why NOW isn't a good time to go all in on their health,
Revolutionary women love themselves enough to take action even if their circumstances aren't "perfect" in the moment.
Think back to the beginning of this year.
Have you REALLY committed yourself to the changes you said you were going to make?
Or did you make excuses as to why you weren't ready yet?
Did you say you'd start next week, or after your vacation, or once you finish that big work project?
The truth is, time will pass you by whether you think you’re ready or not.
What are you committing yourself to?
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